God spared his life and this is what happened😨(Amazing Testimony) ‣ Witness21


My name is Caleb. I battled deep depression and tried to drown my pain in alcohol. After relying on drinking almost daily—even getting into a wreck that nearly ended my life—I experienced a divine intervention. I escaped two serious accidents without injury and came to know that God had spared my life. Recognizing this miracle, I embraced the truth that my life wasn’t meant to be wasted on self-destruction but was meant for a higher purpose. This incredible turnaround confirmed for me that God’s protection is real and that He can rescue us from even the darkest circumstances.

—————– Source —————–

Caleb battled with depression and tried to find the answer in drinking his problems away. He ended up escaping two bad wrecks with no injuries and then he knew God spared his life!

I have a goal to capture testimonies that inspire others to come closer to Jesus Christ!

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Testimony Thursday - Jesus, Take The Wheel ‣ Witness21


I was driving along the Southern State Parkway when my life nearly ended in a terrifying car accident. I was facing financial strains and personal struggles at the time, and in that moment of complete fear, I called on the name of Jesus. As my car spun uncontrollably, I heard a still small voice telling me to let go of the wheel. When I did, the car miraculously straightened itself and brought me out of harm’s way. This experience reminded me that God is in control and has a purpose for my life, even when everything seems lost. I share my testimony to encourage others to trust in Jesus during their darkest moments.

Time Chapters


  • 01:52 Accident & Fear
  • 02:53 Prayer & Miracle
  • 04:00 Aftermath & Reflection

—————– Source —————–

I was driving along the Southern State Parkway when I lost complete control of my vehicle. I started spinning out of control. I was sure I was a dead man. God pulled through for me at the last second, and I am still here to tell my story.

Follow Harvest @ instagram.com/harvestmedia.co

Scott Peterson Healing Journey ‣ Witness21


I was involved in a terrifying car accident that nearly ended my life and cost me my leg. Facing overwhelming trauma, sepsis, and organ failure, the doctors even urged my wife Diane to agree to an amputation. In the midst of that darkness, I clung to God’s Word, declaring healing through the stripes of Jesus and reciting Psalm 91 until I felt His power. Through unwavering faith and the support of ministry partners, I witnessed a miracle—my leg was healed and my life restored. I now share my testimony to encourage others that no matter how dire the circumstances, Jesus brings redemption and hope.

Time Chapters


  • 01:30 Hospital Trauma & Surgery
  • 02:30 Healing Declaration
  • 14:10 Miracle Leg Rehab
  • 15:10 Recovery Impact

—————– Original Video —————–

Click the link to send this DVD to someone or get it for yourself: https://store.awmi.net/%2fp-1008-healing-journeys-volume-6.aspx?SOURCE=30S00Y007&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=healingjourneys21 After an attempt to be a good Samaritan went horribly wrong, Scott found himself in the trauma unit of a hospital. As blood loss, organ failure and Sepsis threatened to end his life, Doctor’s urged his wife Diane to grant them permission to amputate his right leg. Watch how Scott overcame the spirit of death and walked out of the hospital on his own two feet.

Available on DVD! Do you know someone who needs to see this video? This healing miracle is available on a DVD with several other powerful true healing stories.

You can watch more true miracle stories for free! Explore the full collection here:

Katelyn Elliot Story ‣ Witness21


My name is Katelyn Elliot. After a terrible accident on my way home from a senior powderpuff game, my life was turned upside down. I suffered severe injuries including a broken sternum, broken ribs, punctured lungs, and critical head trauma. The doctors even declared me brain dead, but through emergency surgery and my unwavering trust in God, I began my long journey of recovery at Hershey Rehab. Every small milestone—from moving a finger to taking my first steps—became a testament to God’s miraculous intervention. Today, I am filled with hope and determined to embrace a new future, knowing that my recovery and every new day are gifts from Him.

Time Chapters
  • 00:26 Accident Notification
  • 01:22 Crisis & Surgery
  • 02:30 Rehab Awakening
  • 05:06 Steps of Faith

—————– Original Video —————–

After being in a terrible accident, Katelyn had a choice to make—either give up, or start taking small steps towards recovery. What choices are you making today that will have an impact on your future?

Family Thanks God for Helping Son Recover After Near Drowning ‣ Witness21


I am a parent in our Hardesty family, and I share the heart-stopping moment when our little boy, Patrick, nearly drowned during our family vacation at Disney’s Aulani Resort in Hawaii. While we were enjoying a joyous time together, a simple oversight—removing his life jacket—led to him being left unsupervised in a shallow play area. Panic set in when we realized he had been missing for about 20 minutes. In that desperate moment, our unwavering faith held us together. With the timely intervention of Disney cast members and the steadfast prayer of our family, Patrick was rescued and taken to the hospital. Miraculously, he recovered fully with no lasting harm. This testimony stands as a vivid reminder of God’s protective power and the strength that comes from keeping faith in His word.

Time Chapters
  • 02:30 Near Drowning Incident
  • 04:00 Search & Rescue

—————– Original Video ————————

When the Hardesty family went on their family vacation, they had no idea it would end with the near drowning and recovery of their little boy. They were simply enjoying a special vacation at Disney’s Auani resort in Hawaii with 30+ members of their extended family.

One afternoon, they were sitting by the pool, enjoying the special time with their family members, when their son Patrick asked to go to the bathroom. Therese took off his life jacket and asked one of Patrick’s older cousins to take him to the restroom. When he returned, Therese forgot put his life jacket back on, thinking that he was simply playing nearby in a small children’s wade pool about 12-inches deep.

Time passed, and young family members came back to tell them that a boy had drowned in the resort’s lazy river. That’s when Therese and Shawn realized that they hadn’t seen Patrick in about 20 minutes. They began their search and eventually came in contact with a Disney cast member. They explained that they were looking for their son. When another cast member joined them, they found her holding Patrick’s shirt.

Shawn never wavered in his faith that God would save Patrick and help him recover from nearly drowning. He along with Therese and Therese’s father went to the hospital, prayed for Patrick and continued to remain in faith for his complete recovery. And recover he did. At the hospital, Patrick showed no ill effects from his near drowning and made a complete recovery. Hospital workers were amazed that he recovered so quickly.

HOW TO EXPERIENCE SIGNS, WONDERS AND MIRACLES: http://blog.kcm.org/experience-signs-wonders-miracles/

KCM Partner Testimony: Saved From Harm on a Road Trip ‣ Witness21


My name is Rob Madras and I am with Cindy Whitis. We live in Round Rock, Texas. During a road trip from Austin, while listening to inspirational messages, we heard a clear prompt from the Holy Spirit telling us to back off from a truck pulling a trailer. Obeying that divine guidance, we avoided a dangerous accident when a piece of wood detached and nearly struck us. This experience reinforced our belief in the power of faith and God’s positioning, and we remain grateful for His protection.

Time Chapters
  • 01:30 Holy Spirit Warning
  • 03:00 Miraculous Save & Praise

—————– Original Video ————————

Is God talking to you?

Listening to His still, small voice will keep you safe!

Watch this testimony from Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) Partners Rob Mundras and Cindy Whitis and find out how listening to a subtle prompting from the Holy Spirit on a road trip saved them from harm’s way, not once, but twice!

Learn how you can improve your ability to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit here:

3 Ways To Improve Your Ability To Hear the Holy Spirit

If you’re interested in learning more about Partnership with KCM, visit:

"MY MOTORCYCLE MIRACLE AT 100 MPH!" - By: Al Walma ‣ Witness21


My name is Al Walma. One Tuesday, while riding my Harley Davidson with two friends on a country road, we got into a high-speed race with another rider. As we were pushing 100 MPH on a two-lane road, a car appeared suddenly, creating a life-or-death situation. In a split-second decision, I swerved between two motorcycles with only inches to spare, narrowly avoiding a catastrophic collision that could have claimed many lives. I truly believe that God intervened miraculously at that moment, demonstrating His power to protect and save. I share my testimony to encourage others to trust in God’s divine intervention in even the most dangerous circumstances.

Time Chapters
  • 00:31 High-Speed Motorcycle Race
  • 01:56 Miraculous Swerve Saves Lives
  • 03:10 Aftermath & Divine Message

—————– Original Video —————–

JESUS DID IT!: Jesus destroyed the barrier of sin between God and mankind at the cross: https://www.precious-testimonies.com/exhortations/jesus-did-it/jesus-did-it
WHY WOULD HE DO THAT? The Bible (God’s only trustworthy Word for the human race) tells us: All of us were born with an unrighteous sinful nature. We inherited it spiritually from Adam and Eve, the first two created people, because of their disobedience to God by giving into the devil’s deceiving temptation. Why would the devil do such a thing anyway? Because he hates God! The devil wants no one enjoying intimate, joyous relationship with God. He once had it yet lost it, and now wants no one else having it either.
God is so holy – so righteous – so pure … that He cannot and will not allow unrighteous sinners to remain with Him in heaven. But God had a plan to undo what Satan did to the human race. Jesus Christ IS the plan! Jesus came to earth to ransom you and everyone else for Himself, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. He took full punishment for your sins against God and the sins of everyone else on the cross so our sins no longer would keep us separated from God. Furthermore, He traded His righteousness for our unrighteousness through His death, burial and resurrection! (See: 2 Corinthians 5:21). That is no insignificant matter, dear one!
Imagine being in a courtroom, and the Judge has just sentenced you to death. Also imagine Jesus Christ being your lawyer. Jesus Christ says to the Judge (or in other words, God the heavenly Father): “Your Honor, I want to serve my client’s sentence and pay the price for his/her wrong-doing by dying instead so my client can go free.” Can you imagine someone doing such a thing for you?! JESUS DID IT!
Of course you may be thinking at that moment: I haven’t done anything to be sentenced to die! I’m being falsely accused! “What have I supposedly DONE, God?!” Here’s your answer: God gave 10 commandments for people to keep in the Old Testament Bible. Anyone who breaks just one of those commandments must be punished for breaking them against God. Where does it say THAT?! It says that in Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Have you ever lied? Lied just one time? Everyone of us has lied at least once. Number 9 of the 10 commandments says: Thou shalt not lie (bear false witness). You know what that makes us? A disobedient sinning liar against God and His moral law – His 10 commandments. (Revelation 21:8 also tells us what God thinks of lying).
You just read above what God says about our disobedient sinning against Him by breaking just ONE of His moral laws: God’s punishment for doing so is DEATH. Spiritual death. Ultimately total separation from God and agonizingly suffering for our sins against Him for all eternity — totally void of any love, peace, hope, joy or forgiveness from God ever again (otherwise known as hell).
BUT HERE IS GOD’S BEST NEWS! We can receive forgiveness for all our unrighteous, disobedience (sins) against God and our sins against others RIGHT NOW and have certainty RIGHT NOW that on the Judgment Day, our sins WON’T be held against us! HOW CAN THAT BE?! By asking Jesus Christ to forgive us for our sins and trusting that He HAS forgiven us of them simply by our asking and trusting! Jesus will do it!
1 John 1:8-9 says: If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Thus if we make Jesus our personal Lord and Savior – every time we sin – we have every right to ask Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sin(s) – cleanse us as though we never sinned – so that when our heart stops beating, we can be assured that we won’t have to suffer eternal damnation for our sins.
Jesus Christ did what no other human being has ever done or ever could do. He was the ONLY person on this planet who has never sinned. And because He never sinned, He is the only acceptable sacrifice God the Father would accept to pay ransom payment for each of OUR sins. That is simply AMAZING, isn’t it?! Yet JESUS DID IT!
WHY? Because of God’s LOVE and MERCY for lost souls like you and I who will reach out in humility and demonstrate appreciation for His FREE GIFT of forgiveness (pardon) so we can have friendship and intimacy with Him starting now … and lasting for ETERNITY! This life is your starting point with your loving Creator that will last for eternity.
Don’t allow the devil to steal your eternal destiny that God has intended for you!
We have many written testimonies and helpful writings on our ministry website: https://www.precious-testimonies.com

She Was Accidentally Shot by Her Dad & Saw This Vision...😳 ‣ Witness21


My name is Sharon Hegwood, and my life changed forever on December 4th, 1995. I woke up to chaos in my home as my father accidentally shot me, and in that terrifying moment I experienced a profound vision—a brilliant light, flashing images of my life, and an overwhelming presence of God. Overcome with a holy fear and conviction, I cried out for forgiveness and clung to faith as my family fervently prayed for me. I endured critical surgery, battled near-death experiences, and faced severe physical injuries and emotional trauma. Through God’s miraculous intervention, the skilled hands of doctors, and the unwavering prayers of my loved ones, I was granted a second chance at life. This journey has restored not only my body but also my spirit, deepened my relationship with Jesus, and fueled my commitment to share His love and hope with others.

Time Chapters
  • 02:01 The Fear of God Comes Over Me
  • 05:53 God Uses My Mom to Speak Life
  • 08:06 Feeling the Presence of God
  • 10:41 My Family Begins to Pray for Me
  • 14:28 God Does a Miracle
  • 18:14 The Recovery Process
  • 21:32 I End Up Back in Hospital
  • 25:28 The Lord Shows Me During Surgery
  • 29:02 God Gave Me a Second Chance
  • 29:56 My Response is Gratitude
  • 33:58 Who is Jesus To You?
  • 34:11 For Those Who Doubt God
  • 35:16 Final Words
  • 36:24 Prayer
  • 37:27 Thank You to Donors

—————– Original Video —————–

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Spotify Podcast ⇨ https://spoti.fi/3RBKdq3
Apple Podcast ⇨ https://apple.co/3evzCuu

Connect with us

Connect with Sharon:
Youtube ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/@UCpqs6NF7-ZMGfK1ghJj-c9Q
Email ⇨ hegwoodsharon3@gmail.com
Tiktok ⇨ www.tiktok.com/@lovelydarling773

Testimony by Sharon Hegwood
Directed by Eric Villatoro
Interviewed by Eric Villatoro
Edited By David Pauta and Joshua Gayle
Audio Mixed by Paul Nicholas
Production Assistant, Jaiden Vilson
Testimony Recorded in Grand Prairie, TX

Delafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world’s largest archive of Jesus testimonies. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.

00:00 My Dad Accidentally Shoots Me
02:01 The Fear of God Comes Over Me After I See This…
05:53 God Uses My Mom to Speak Life into Me
08:06 Feeling the Presence of God After Being Shot
10:41 My Family Begins to Pray for Me
14:28 God Does a Miracle
18:14 The Recovery Process
21:32 I End Up Back in the Hospital
25:28 The Lord Shows Me This During Surgery…
29:02 “God Gave Me a Second Chance”
29:56 “My Response is Gratitude”
33:58 Who is Jesus To You?
34:11 For Those Who Doubt the Existence of God
35:16 Final Words
36:24 Prayer
37:27 Thank You to Our Donors!

She Was Accidentally Shot by Her Dad & Saw This Vision…😳
Sharon Hegwood Testimony

He survived death but was left with a disability - Akram Aryan's Testimony | I Saw God Program ‣ Witness21

He survived death but was left with a disability – Testimony of Akram Aryan | I Saw God Program – Episode 35
نجا من الموت و لكنه أصيب بإعاقة – اختبار أكرم عريان | برنامج رأيت الله

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All episodes of the “I Saw God” program. 👇

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