
Kenneth Bae, an American missionary, recounts his harrowing experience as a prisoner in North Korea after inadvertently violating a strict rule by bringing an external computer hard drive into the country. During his 15-year sentence—a period marked by torture, forced labor, and dehumanizing conditions—he witnessed firsthand the oppressive nature of the regime, the curtailment of free speech, and the suppression of religious freedom. Despite the severe hardships, through prayer, worship, and reliance on the power of God, Kenneth found hope, maintained his faith, and became a beacon of light among his fellow prisoners. His testimony challenges viewers to recognize the value of true freedom in Christ and the importance of compassionate, fearless fellowship even in the darkest circumstances.


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American missionary Kenneth Bae shares about his time as a prisoner in North Korea that lasted two years.


My name is Caleb. I battled deep depression and tried to drown my pain in alcohol. After relying on drinking almost daily—even getting into a wreck that nearly ended my life—I experienced a divine intervention. I escaped two serious accidents without injury and came to know that God had spared my life. Recognizing this miracle, I embraced the truth that my life wasn’t meant to be wasted on self-destruction but was meant for a higher purpose. This incredible turnaround confirmed for me that God’s protection is real and that He can rescue us from even the darkest circumstances.

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Caleb battled with depression and tried to find the answer in drinking his problems away. He ended up escaping two bad wrecks with no injuries and then he knew God spared his life!

I have a goal to capture testimonies that inspire others to come closer to Jesus Christ!

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I was born in Rwanda and lost both my mother and, later, my grandmother and uncle during the Rwandan Genocide. My siblings and I escaped death, but the trauma followed us. In an orphanage, I wrestled with bitterness and questioned how a loving God could allow such atrocities. Still, I glimpsed God’s provision: I was spared on multiple occasions—missing bullets, grenades, or weapons that unexpectedly failed. Receiving an Operation Christmas Child box planted a seed of hope, and eventually, I accepted Jesus Christ at nine years old. Yet I still carried anger toward the neighbors who had killed my relatives. Over time, God surrounded me with mentors who helped me process my pain and realize that Christ died for all people—even the men who stole my family members’ lives. Years later, I was given the opportunity to meet one of my uncle’s killers face to face in prison. By God’s grace, I forgave him and prayed over him. God’s love was big enough for us both. Although I can’t forget the pain, I choose to let Christ define my life. I share my story, hoping others find courage to forgive, heal, and discover God’s miraculous hand through it all.

Time Chapters
  • 01:22 Early Childhood in Rwanda
  • 06:15 Genocide Begins
  • 11:48 Grandmother and Uncle Murdered
  • 18:30 Fleeing to Kigali
  • 23:20 Life in Orphanage Trauma
  • 27:52 Operation Christmas Child Gift
  • 30:40 Accepting Christ at Nine
  • 34:55 Anger and Hatred Linger
  • 39:12 Praying for Killers
  • 44:10 Returning to Meet Uncle’s Killer

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Alex Nsengimana grew up in Rwanda during the 1990s, surrounded by racial tension and anger that eventually boiled over into full-scale violence. As a child, Alex witnessed the unimaginable horrors of the Rwandan Genocide, but after being exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Alex was challenged to do the unthinkable… to forgive the unforgivable.

Show notes and book drawing @


Compelled is a seasonal podcast using gripping, immersive storytelling to celebrate the powerful ways God is transforming Christians around the world.

These Christian testimonies are raw, true, and powerful. Be encouraged and let your faith be strengthened!

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I was driving along the Southern State Parkway when my life nearly ended in a terrifying car accident. I was facing financial strains and personal struggles at the time, and in that moment of complete fear, I called on the name of Jesus. As my car spun uncontrollably, I heard a still small voice telling me to let go of the wheel. When I did, the car miraculously straightened itself and brought me out of harm’s way. This experience reminded me that God is in control and has a purpose for my life, even when everything seems lost. I share my testimony to encourage others to trust in Jesus during their darkest moments.

Time Chapters


  • 01:52 Accident & Fear
  • 02:53 Prayer & Miracle
  • 04:00 Aftermath & Reflection

—————– Source —————–

I was driving along the Southern State Parkway when I lost complete control of my vehicle. I started spinning out of control. I was sure I was a dead man. God pulled through for me at the last second, and I am still here to tell my story.

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I was involved in a terrifying car accident that nearly ended my life and cost me my leg. Facing overwhelming trauma, sepsis, and organ failure, the doctors even urged my wife Diane to agree to an amputation. In the midst of that darkness, I clung to God’s Word, declaring healing through the stripes of Jesus and reciting Psalm 91 until I felt His power. Through unwavering faith and the support of ministry partners, I witnessed a miracle—my leg was healed and my life restored. I now share my testimony to encourage others that no matter how dire the circumstances, Jesus brings redemption and hope.

Time Chapters


  • 01:30 Hospital Trauma & Surgery
  • 02:30 Healing Declaration
  • 14:10 Miracle Leg Rehab
  • 15:10 Recovery Impact

—————– Original Video —————–

Click the link to send this DVD to someone or get it for yourself: After an attempt to be a good Samaritan went horribly wrong, Scott found himself in the trauma unit of a hospital. As blood loss, organ failure and Sepsis threatened to end his life, Doctor’s urged his wife Diane to grant them permission to amputate his right leg. Watch how Scott overcame the spirit of death and walked out of the hospital on his own two feet.

Available on DVD! Do you know someone who needs to see this video? This healing miracle is available on a DVD with several other powerful true healing stories.

You can watch more true miracle stories for free! Explore the full collection here:


I was born in Iran, raised in a society where faith in Jesus was forbidden. I experienced life-changing encounters—from a divine sign in Jerusalem to a vivid dream of a white horse that revealed God’s overwhelming love. My journey led me from secret ministry in Iran, where I risked arrest and endured harsh detention, to the courageous act of distributing Bibles and establishing home churches. Despite torture, humiliation, and execution threats, I remained steadfast in my belief. Today, I share my testimony to encourage fellow believers to stand firm in their faith, trusting that Jesus’ power can transform even the darkest moments.

Time Chapters


  • 02:00 Receiving God’s Sign
  • 04:00 Experiencing Holy Presence
  • 06:00 Conversion: Finding Jesus
  • 08:00 Dream of the White Horse
  • 10:00 Peril in the Dream
  • 12:00 Overwhelmed by Divine Love
  • 14:00 Journey to Turkey
  • 16:00 Return to Iran for Mission
  • 18:00 Vision: Iran, the Desert
  • 20:00 Bible Smuggling & Distribution
  • 24:00 Arrest and Harsh Detention
  • 28:00 Courtroom Threats & Martyrdom
  • 32:00 Release and Bold Faith
  • 36:00 Ministry and Evangelism
  • 38:00 Life in Prison and Testimony
  • 40:00 International Advocacy
  • 42:00 Spiritual Renewal & Home Churches
  • 44:00 Political Activism & Outreach
  • 45:30 Final Message of Hope

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JERUSALEM, Israel – Christians on every continent can share stories of persecution and brutality, but few governments have a more alarming reputation for their treatment of Christians than Iran.

Marziyeh Amirizadeh is a remarkable Iranian Christian woman who was sentenced to death, and endured torture and incarceration in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison. Time and again, she stood up to the authorities, all the while meditating on God’s word and growing in her faith while suffering the loss of loved ones.

Marzi, as she is known, eventually escaped Iran and started a new life in the U.S. Today, she travels the world sharing her inspiring story of faith in the face of persecution, and she acts as an advocate for the Iranian people’s freedom.

Read the full story from CBN’s Chris Mitchell:

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I was born in a refugee camp in Sudan and raised by my Christian mother amidst overwhelming challenges. From a young age, I faced oppressive Islamic teachings and was forced to confront a brutal system that demanded I renounce my faith. I endured being expelled from school, public humiliation, and a court that sentenced me to 100 lashes and even death by hanging for refusing to convert. In prison, I discovered strength in prayer and began ministering to fellow inmates—starting small businesses to support those in need. Through every trial, the Lord sustained me with His grace and delivered me from the brink of death. My journey is a testament to Jesus’ power to restore, bring peace, and ignite hope even in the darkest moments.

Time Chapters
  • 00:40 Prison Christmas memory
  • 04:10 Early life in Sudan
  • 05:15 Family turmoil, name change
  • 05:51 Expelled from school
  • 07:00 Oppressive Islamic education
  • 10:00 Defying forced conversion
  • 23:46 Arrest and police visit
  • 27:00 Sentenced to prison
  • 41:19 Lashings and death sentence
  • 47:01 Prison ministry and business
  • 55:00 Divine peace in prison
  • 57:00 Hope and deliverance through Jesus

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You can Help the Underground Church today! Become a Gate Keeper today:
Mariam Ibraheem was born in a refugee camp in Sudan. Her Muslim father died when she was six, and her mother raised her in the Christian faith. After a traumatic childhood, Mariam became a successful businessperson, married the man she loved, and had a beautiful baby boy.

But one day in 2013, her world was shattered when Sudan authorities insisted she was Muslim because of her father’s background. She had broken the law by marrying a Christian man, and she must abandon both her marriage and her son and adopt Islam. Under intense pressure, Mariam repeatedly refused. Ultimately, a Sharia court sentenced her to 100 lashes—and death by hanging.

Follow Mariam’s story from life under Islamic law, through imprisonment and childbirth while shackled, to her remarkable escape from death following an international outcry and advocacy that included diplomats, journalists, activists, and even Pope Francis.

You can buy the book here:


Persecution against Christians is increasing around the world. Christianity is now the world’s most persecuted minority group, but out of that persecution has come a tremendous message that must be shared.

Next year, BTJ is hosting a VOICES OF THE PERSECUTED CONFERENCE to highlight testimonies of underground house church leaders from China, the Middle East, and Asia.

Next year, we will be bringing speakers together like Brother Yun from China, Sister Esther from North Korea, Sister Shagufta Kauser from Pakistan, Pastor Brunson from Turkey, and many more speakers. The event will be the final week of October next year in 2024 and will be hosted in a special retreat in North Carolina.

More details will be posted soon. To put your name on a waiting list to be alerted the minute registration is posted, please send an email to

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Bishop Daniel has known persecution all his life, and despite many opportunities to flee, he chose to stay and support his church and those in his community who could not leave the country. You helped his church to become a Centre of Hope, providing practical and spiritual support to all who need it.

Bishop Daniel is specifically requesting the church in Canada to pray for Christians in Iraq and Syria. He knows what persecution is like first hand, and also knows the power of prayer. Add your prayers and light to the map today at and help make hope last!


My name is Bob and I have been involved in gospel work in North Africa for over twenty years. I have witnessed government persecution and even family opposition to the gospel, with cycles of intense pressure that test the faith of believers. Through these challenges, I have seen how consistent, Christ-like love—exemplified by Jesus’ interaction with the woman at the well—can break down barriers and bring transformation. I urge all believers to listen, love, and pray for the persecuted, trusting that God’s perfect love casts out fear and brings hope to even the most troubled hearts.

Time Chapters
  • 01:00 Challenges of Persecution
  • 02:00 Hope Through Christ’s Love
  • 03:00 Role of Faith in Transformation
  • 23:00 Call to Prayer & Support

—————– Original Video —————–

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Brother Bob has been connected to gospel work in North Africa for more than 20 years. He says government persecution of Christians in the region tends to come in cycles, but pressure and persecution of Christians by their own family members is common.

But even in the midst of family persecution, Christians have a chance to demonstrate the reality of the gospel. “If believers persevere and continue to be a light,” Bob says, “most of the time their family eventually accepts them. And in many cases, others in the family come to know Christ.”

Listen for the story of how a Muslim wife showed great displeasure after her husband accepted Christ—but was eventually won over by the consistent, Christ-like love he showed her.

Local people in North Africa have many fears: bad omens, the fear of spirits, or fear of the future. The absence of fear is one of the marks of Christians in the region and often draws others to learn more about Christ.

After working among Muslims for more than two decades, Bob says Christians who love and listen are more effective in sharing the gospel than those who criticize Islam or start a religious debate. He points to the model of Jesus’ interaction with the woman at the well.

Bob will share how he prepares new believers to spread the truth of Christ, to walk alongside others in their difficulties and to withstand persecution when it comes. Listen as Bob gives practical ways we can be like Christ and tells how our persecuted brothers and sisters are living that out. Bob will also equip us to pray for Christians in North Africa.

Never miss an episode of VOM Radio! Subscribe to the podcast. Or listen each week—and get daily prayer reminders—in the VOM App for your smartphone or tablet.

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I am Olivia from the ancient Santal Christian community in Bangladesh. My family and I face relentless persecution—land grabbing by Muslim fundamentalists, violent harassment, and even attacks that have left my husband, Deen, severely injured and disabled. During a protest against these injustices, our plight worsened as our homes were burned and 250 families were rendered homeless. In the midst of this terror, I prayed to Jesus, who saved my life and healed my heart. I remain steadfast in my faith, grateful to Barnabas Aid for supporting our community, and I trust that God’s mercy will one day bring us eternal peace.

Time Chapters
  • 00:07 Fear of Rape
  • 01:40 Husband Injured
  • 04:10 Jesus Heals & Saves

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🟡 **About Olivia**
Olivia and her family, belonging to the ancient Christian Santal community in Bangladesh, face ongoing persecution due to their conversion to the Christian faith. Land-grabbing by Muslim fundamentalists is a common form of harassment. During a protest against the land grabbers, Olivia’s husband is shot, leaving Dijen disabled for life. Three Christians die, and 250 families are left homeless as homes are burnt.

🟡 ** About this channel **
Barnabas Aid is an international aid agency that provides hope and aid for suffering Christians. It aims to support Christian communities, churches, and individuals worldwide who face persecution and discrimination because of their Christian faith. In this way, we witness the love of Christ and build His Kingdom.
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Did you know? When you specify any project, 100% of your donation will go to suffering and persecuted Christians.

🟡 ** About .gives **
.gives is your opportunity to share your food with hungry believers worldwide. It’s like a local food bank, but it’s international, and it’s for poor and persecuted Christians
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🎥VIDEO: Why help persecuted Christians? | Barnabas Aid |

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🎥 LIST: .gives – A project of Barnabas Aid |

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