01:01 I Saw THE CONFUSION after The Rapture ! Rapture Then Chaos #god #jesus #rapture #jesusiscomingback Cloud 9 Blessings
01:01 She Heard The Trumpets Blast ! What She Saw is SHOCKING #jesus #rapture #jesusiscoming #god Cloud 9 Blessings
01:01 Rapture Dream: This Will Come Suddenly! Many Will Be Caught Off Guard #rapture #jesus #jesuschrist Cloud 9 Blessings
14:48 God Gave Her a POWERFUL Dream ! She Share’s That Difficult Times Are Coming #propheticword Cloud 9 Blessings
01:01 Her END TIME Dream Was So Intense that She Can Not Forget It! This Was A Warning For Her #endtimes Cloud 9 Blessings
08:04 I saw total destruction and Chaos! Jesus spoke to me #rapturedreams #propheticword Cloud 9 Blessings
11:00 I had an intense rapture vision and I was shown the destruction and chaos! #jesus #dreamsandvisions Cloud 9 Blessings