01:01 Prophecies are being fulfilled! Powerful experience #god #jesus #rapture #jesusiscomingback Cloud 9 Blessings
08:51 Jesus Revealed Himself to Me in a Dream/Vision… You will be Blessed, Have a Listen ❤️🔥❤️🔥 Child of God | Jesus Is Coming!
01:00 The Moon Turns To Blood Before The Day Of The Lord | Rapture Dream Child of God | Jesus Is Coming!
13:46 Visions: Earthquakes, People Transforming into Balls of Light, the Rapture, Demons, and Judgement Uplifted
33:01 Two dreams confirmed: The Rapture and the great shaking! Judgment is coming, be prepared Uplifted
10:13 Rapture Dream: A Massive Portal Opens in the Sky – Jesus Leading an Army on a White Horse Uplifted