26:43 Rapture And Tribulation! The Lord Revealed To Her What Is Coming To AMERICA #rapture #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings
26:51 Rapture and Tribulation! SHOCKING Glimpses Of What She Saw Coming To America #rapture #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings
56:20 Racing to the End of Time (1997) | Full Documentary Movie | Chuck Lafleur, Paul Lalonde 101 Films
19:57 Prophetic Warning: Prepare for 7 Years of Tribulation Before the Sabbath Rest of Christ Uplifted
14:01 Prophetic Warning Dream: The Mountain Wave Tsunami, UFO, Rapture, and The Great Deception Uplifted
17:53 Prophetic End Time Dreams With A Powerful ENDING! Jesus Is Coming Back At Any Moment Now #rapture Cloud 9 Blessings
18:39 Prophetic dreams: God revealed to her visions of the Antichrist, nuclear wars, and Nephilim Uplifted
01:01 Prophetic Dream! They Knew That it Arrived! listen to what he says #rapture #jesuschrist #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings
06:52 Prophetic Dream: The Rapture – It Will Be Horrible for Those Left Behind, Beyond a Nightmare Uplifted