Original Testimony:

New Age deception is one of Satan’s greatest means to spiritually blind the minds of people to the degree that the Salvation Message Of The Cross is essentially relegated to “non-essential” status to be right with God and make heaven. (In other words: The FREE gift of salvation is “a” way to please God for a few “low I-Q Bible-thumping pigheaded nitwits,” but there are “OTHER ways” as well which “are far more palatable and a whole lot more sensible and certainly far more liberating to get to heaven”.)

Lot and parcel with New Age spiritual deception is Satan’s on-going strategy to make the entirety of the Word of God as both “non-essential” and actually “detrimental” to govern the affairs of mankind and as the ONLY TRUSTWORTHY SOURCE God has given humanity to know everything we need to know about pleasing Him during our lifetime, and the wisdom and discernment God grants to those who eagerly search the priceless spiritual golden nuggets of Truth it contains and IS.

To learn more about the Precious Testimonies ministry: https://www.precious-testimonies.com/ — https://www.precious-testimonies.com/exhortations/jesus-did-it/jesus-did-it_50-free