
I was a Muslim doctor facing ovarian cancer and facial paralysis, enduring immense pain and fear. At thirteen, I encountered Jesus Christ through a missionary channel and gave my heart to Him. My faith grew as I experienced miraculous healing and transformation through prayer and the Holy Spirit. Embracing Christianity, I overcame my illnesses and now serve as a singer and translator in the church. I share my story to inspire others to find salvation and witness God’s miraculous interventions in their lives.

Time Chapters
  • 01:00 Discovering Christianity
  • 03:00 Conversion to Christ
  • 05:00 Miraculous Healing
  • 07:00 Embracing Faith

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I was a Muslim doctor facing ovarian cancer and facial paralysis, enduring immense pain and fear. At the age of thirteen, I encountered Jesus Christ through a missionary channel, which led to my heart being given to Christ. My faith grew as I experienced miraculous healing and transformation in my life. Through prayer and the Holy Spirit, I overcame my illnesses and embraced Christianity. Now, as an active member of the church, I work as a singer and translator to serve God, sharing my story to inspire others to find salvation and experience God’s miraculous interventions.

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At the age of thirteen, Samantha gave her heart to Christ after she met him on a Christian missionary channel and learned for the first time that “God is Love”, and she is currently an active member of the group and works as a singer and translator in the service of the Church.

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هذه قصتي | اختبار الأخت سامانثا

في سن الثالثة عشرة، أعطت سامانثا قلبها للمسيح بعد أن التقت به عبر قناة تبشيرية مسيحية وتعلمت لأول مرة أن “الله محبة”، وهي حاليًا عضو نشط في الجماعة وتعمل كمرنمة ومترجمة في خدمة الكنيسة.
للمزيد من الفيديوهات يرجى زيارة قناة اليوتيوب ولمتابعة المزيد من الفيديوهات يرجى الاشتراك في القناة على الرابط التالي:
الموقع الرئيسي للقناة
أيضا يمكنكم متابعة القناة على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي الأخرى