My Wife and I Almost Died, but God Stepped In! | Ira Brawer
Ira Brawer shares his powerful journey of transformation from a life of drug use and dealing, coupled with a near-fatal car crash, to finding redemption through Jesus Christ. Struggling with addiction and marital problems, Ira and his wife Gloria encountered a life-changing intervention that led them to sobriety. Through exploring the scriptures, particularly Isaiah 53, Ira came to the realization that Jesus is the Messiah. His intellectual belief turned into a heartfelt surrender during a Messianic Yom Kippur service, filling him with peace and transforming his life forever.
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Ira and his wife lived a life of drug use and dealing, with no sign of slowing down—until the night of their car crash. Shaken up, they decided to enter rehab, which would prove to be the catalyst for God to completely transform their lives!
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