
Jennifer Bagnashi from Deep Believer shares a prophetic message for 2022, emphasizing the importance of knowing Jesus Christ personally and developing a close relationship with Him. She recounts past prophetic dreams and messages, calling believers to focus on God’s voice and live fearlessly amid uncertainties. Drawing on her supernatural experiences, Jennifer highlights God’s faithfulness, protection, and guidance, encouraging Christians to trust Him fully in these end times.

Public Figure: Jennifer Bagnashi

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There’s one New Year resolution for 2022 that will set you apart from the rest if you dare to take it on.
To do a New Year resolution or not to do one? That…is the question!

If King Solomon were alive today and weighed the American mode of New Year resolutions, he would repeat his famous line, “Vanity of vanities. All is vanity!” Our annual aspirations come January first are typically the following: join a gym, lose weight, save money, travel more, learn new skills, etc. All of these are great, but they generally don’t last, unless one has the tenacity to do so, which is commonly few and far between.

God loves all of those things, but we’re at a point in His timeline when things need to be increased within us. Things that aren’t so easily buried or forgotten after 30 days and will grip us with conviction if neglected.


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