I was lost in the world until Jesus did this..🥹| Jacqui’s Testimony
Jacqui lived an unstable lifestyle until a chance encounter with a Woman on the cliffs lead her to finding God. Jacqui then went on many mission trips around the world where she witnessed many miracles. Jacqui then began her Evangelism school ‘Heaven’s Harvest’ to teach others how to reach the Lost.
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Bless you in the Mighty name of Jesus! 🙏
If you were lead through Jacqui’s prayer of Salvation and would like a follow up contact, you can fill out this form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=V0Kh7Ixo0UCmUMjahiH6ZuflSwByMcRDt-XpZt0-CMpUOEJNNVpTVDRaR0FZUTYzNFVMRE5NMVRMRy4u&origin=QRCode
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