To contact Pastor Vince:
The Connection Ministries International
His email address: kvi@reagan.com
What Every Person Needs To Know:
Did you know?: There is only ONE sin God won’t forgive unless a person changes the way they believe before dying and tells God they are truly sorry for believing the devil’s lies. It is referred to as blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, which is: Rejecting (outright IGNORING falls in the same category) the FREE GIFT of salvation of Jesus Christ and His Lordship in our lives — ultimately refusing to believe that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way God has given mankind to have ALL of our sins forgiven by Him, so they won’t be held against us on the Judgment Day.
Some expansion needs to also be given to get a FULLER understanding of what this unpardonable sin more fully entails. Those who refuse to believe that Jesus Christ was the long promised Messiah of the Old Testament, and STILL refuse to believe He was and IS the long promised Messiah given by God to mankind … are ALSO guilty of this sin.
Why is this the unpardonable – unforgivable sin? Because it means we are saying that the Holy Spirit’s witness about Jesus Christ is a lie. (See: Luke 12:10).
(If anyone thinks lying to the Holy Spirit is a trivial matter, read what happened to Ananias and Sapphira: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts+5%3A1-11&version=NASB)
The Holy Spirit’s witness about WHO Jesus Christ WAS, and IS, and forever WILL BE is given to humanity in the New Testament Bible. WHY He was sent to earth and die on the cross for our sins is also communicated to mankind in the New Testament. Thus if we cling to the LIE that the New Testament Bible is not relevant, and/or can’t be trusted (accepted Bible translations by credible born again Theologians, of course) … we are also DANGEROUSLY INSULTING [INFURIATING may be a better choice of words!] the Holy Spirit (Who is no less 1 of the 3 eternal Persons of the Godhead, for those who may not be aware: Father, Son (Jesus) & Holy Spirit).
Please help distribute the Gospel message in YOUR community. https://www.precious-testimonies.com/exhortations/jesus-did-it/jesus-did-it_50-free
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