
I spent my earliest years in a chaotic home life. My stepfather was abusive, my mom struggled to provide stability, and I grew up feeling cast aside. As a teenager, bitterness and loneliness drove me to a life of rebellion—drinking, drugs, and drifting between relatives. I ended up in and out of jail, plunging ever deeper into hopelessness. Yet one night, in the depths of despair, God met me in a powerful way. I realized how empty my pursuits were and cried out to Jesus for rescue. For the first time, genuine peace flooded my heart. Though I still had to navigate grief and the scars left by addiction, Christ began transforming me from the inside out, forgiving my failures, healing my wounded soul, and giving me a renewed purpose. Now, I can truly say I’ve found hope and freedom in Him.

Time Chapters
  • 02:12 Stepdad’s Abuse
  • 06:40 Custody Battle
  • 09:14 Teen Chaos
  • 12:55 Living with Grandpa
  • 16:22 Rebelling Hard
  • 19:41 Girlfriend’s Pregnancy
  • 22:50 Mother Passes Away
  • 26:14 Assault and Jail
  • 30:59 Religious Confusion
  • 34:28 Vision of the Golden Calf
  • 36:14 Surrendering to Christ
  • 38:44 Sister Overdoses
  • 42:10 Ongoing Battles
  • 47:27 Sharing My Story
  • 53:10 A New Purpose

—————– Source —————–

Hayden Jernigan grew up in a home marked by chaos. Unsure of who loved him or who wanted him, Hayden pursued everything he thought would bring him happiness, including girls, alcohol, and drugs. Yet he was unaware that actually, his entire life, there was some *One*, who was pursuing him.


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