In this video are two testimonies of people undergoing trials. It is our intention to help Christians come to the understanding that God is far more concerned about our CHARACTER GROWTH than He is granting our every wish — answering our every prayer the way we would like Him to.
Our CHARACTER GROWTH has lasting, eternal ramifications. God knows exactly what it will take for us to grow cold to Him — to compromise our LOYALTY to Him. Trials – oftentimes PAINFUL trials – are allowed to come our way soley to test our loyalty to God.
The world is moving at breakneck speed to the unfolding of the Book of Revelation. The greatest trials for many Christians are yet to be realized.
God is shouting to His Church to prepare ourselves for “the trying of our faith” unlike so many can’t fathom at present. How are Christians to prepare?
Number 1 priority is to determine BEFORE the painful trials hit us that we are NOT going to demand answers from God as to WHY the trial has been allowed to try to run us over like a steamroller on hot asphalt.
Along with this comes absolute trust that God has our best ETERNAL interest in mind no matter WHAT happens to us down here … or happens to those we love.
Fact be known: Most of us want the blessings of heaven to come to earth NOW. That’s not what the Bible has decreed. The Bible clearly reveals to us that the WORST trials to face mankind must FIRST take place before Jesus is sent down from heaven to establish HIS Kingdom rule on this planet — destroying the growing evil currently facing us.
Saints: This planet is NOT our home. It is in heaven with our Lord and Savior. And until we get there, God wants us to come to agreement within ourselves that no matter what is allowed to happen to us down here … NOTHING is going to persuade us to become so angry at God that we jeopardize our PRICELESS relationship with Jesus Christ. NOTHING.
For those of us who are familiar with Revelation 3:10, God has promised to certain Christians who have been “faithful” … He is going to keep them from the trial that is to come upon the whole world to test people). Could that element of Christians be those who have REFUSED to become angry at God for allowing all the evil (which includes spiritual deception and governmental control) to invade this planet?
I don’t know about you, but I fully intend to be included in that element of Christian believers.
Please COPY and PASTE the following link everywhere on the Internet: https://www.precious-testimonies.com/exhortations/jesus-did-it/jesus-did-it
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