
My name is Mohamad Faridi. I was raised in Iran under a strict Islamic regime where martyrdom was seen as the only noble path to salvation. From a young age, I was forced to learn Arabic so I could properly pray to Allah, even though I never fully understood the words. I prayed five times a day and engaged in self-punishment rituals, believing that only through relentless sacrifice could I earn a place in paradise. However, the emptiness of that life left me desperate and on the brink of suicide. In a moment of crisis, an old friend revealed that he had become a Christian, and for the first time I heard that Jesus had already paid for my sins. That revelation broke the chains of legalism and self-punishment in my heart. I eventually embraced Christ and found true rest in Him. After facing persecution and fleeing to the United States, I have grown in my faith, married, and now partner with my wife Susan to minister to Muslims, teaching them the freedom that comes from the Gospel. My journey from despair to deliverance is a testament to the transforming power of Jesus.

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As a soldier in Iran, Mohammed begged Allah to make him a martyr for Islam. A once devout Muslim, his search for truth and righteousness led him, of all places, to Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado.
Mohamad Faridi’s native tongue is Farsi, but he was made from a young age to learn Arabic, in order to pray to the god of Islam. When he asked why their god couldn’t understand them in their own language, he was told not to question such things. Fearing being sent to hell and tortured by Allah, Mohamad turned off his brain and did what he was told without question.

He did everything he knew to be a good Muslim. He prayed 5 times a day from dawn to dusk and would weep and beat himself for his sins. There was a time he had beat and crushed himself for hours at a time, 9 days in a row. On the 10th day he purposed to continue punishing himself but was bed-ridden with pain. Mohamad was so ashamed that he had failed Allah.
After high school, Mohamad enlisted in the military, hoping the rumors of war would turn him into a martyr for Islam. But when a year passed without war, his hopes were dashed. War was supposed to be his ladder to paradise. His death for Allah, his hope into heaven.

With nothing to hold on to, he fell into a deep depression, to the point of considering suicide. Desperate for answers, Mohamad reached out to an old friend. His friend was different, changed. Mohamad couldn’t understand it. He asked what was his formula; what made him so different? He was introduced to Christ. It was the first time in Mohamad’s life that he realized someone could leave Islam.

After hearing the Gospel message, he knew it was Truth. Islam told him to beat himself to pay for his own sins. Christianity told him that Jesus already suffered for his sins. Asking Jesus into his heart, he felt an immediate change. For the first time in his life, Mohamad felt at rest.

Becoming a Christian brought immediate danger and persecution. Having received death threats, Mohamad sought refuge in the United States. After several years of growing his faith in Los Angeles, he married Susan, the love of
his life. But without proper spiritual support, the couple fell victim to the trap of religion. They were still trying to save themselves by their own goodness.

When a pastor introduced them to Andrew Wommack’s teachings, Mohamad rediscovered the freedom he had found when he first accepted Christ. While hearing more of Andrew Wommack’s teachings like Living In God’s Best, You’ve Already Got It, and The Believer’s Authority, Mohamad felt unequipped for his calling. While listening to Andrew Wommack’s Gospel Truth one day, he heard Andrew say, “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you have a puzzle in your ministry, and you need to come to Charis Bible College.” Knowing the Holy Spirit was talking to him through Andrew, Mohamad moved to Colorado to start at Charis Bible College.

Mohamad’s time at Charis Bible College was life-changing and life-transforming. God became real in his life, and he received revelation after revelation while sitting under the Word of God every day. After graduating Charis, Mohamad and Susan have started their ministry of educating and equipping the body of Christ on how to effectively minister to Muslims. They also lead missions trips to the Middle East and translate Andrew Wommack’s teachings into the Farsi language.
Mohammed’s Grace Encounter comes as a result of the friends and partners of Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College. Through your support, people like Mohammed are trading the chains of religion and legalism, for a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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