Vivian is married to Imad, her cousin, who saw in her the ability to take on responsibility. They had a son and a daughter, and the daughter faced a disability. It was difficult, but Vivian bore the responsibility. The child moved between several schools until the Lord arranged for her to attend a suitable one.
It was challenging to care for a typical child while also meeting the needs of a child with a disability. The son attended a conference, and while playing football there, he fell on the field and it was discovered that he had passed away.
Vivian sought a way out, and Imad said, ‘Lord, we accept the trial, but grant her a way out.’ The funeral was like a wedding procession to heaven. The Lord supported them, but there was pain and sorrow within, as the Lord was both wounding and healing.
After the incident, the daughter began to express herself more and developed some skills. Some hymns became a source of encouragement and comfort for both of them, as the Lord sends messages of consolation to those who rely on Him.

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