Ex-porn star and now Director of XXX Church, Brittni De La Mora sits down with Ashley Key and shares how God transformed her life and exposes the ugly truth behind the porn industry.

Plus Gordon and Ashley discuss the effects of pornography on the world today and how to get free.

For more of CBN’s Unhooked: Purity in a Pornified World series, see below:
► WATCH: The Unhooked: Purity in a Pornified World panel discussion ft. ex-porn star, Brittni De La Mora, YouTuber, Chaz smith & others who discuss if it’s possible to live pure in our pornified world: http://now.CBN.com/kIvc50ygPJg

► WATCH: One-on-one conversations with our panelists & others who share their stories and practical advice to overcome the temptations of pornography: http://now.CBN.com/QiMA50ygPJL

► GET: Access to the Set Free online program that’s designed to combat addiction to pornography and sexual sin that’s grounded in biblical truth, action and community. Get the individual course for just $10 using code “UNHOOKED”: http://now.CBN.com/Eg8z50ygPKl