
I’m Jessica Hall, and when I was five, I fell from my family’s horse and found myself leaving my body. I felt no pain—only a calm awareness of floating upward. Suddenly, I was in a dark void talking to a presence I understood as the Holy Spirit, asking deep questions about life and why bad things happen. Then, I stepped through a brilliant veil into Heaven. Everything was saturated with living light and pure love. People in white robes greeted me joyously, and my two guardian angels stood tall and radiant. I was led up a wide marble staircase, where I fell on my face before Jesus; His loving authority overwhelmed me. He showed me how my parents and sister would suffer if I stayed in Heaven, and He also revealed my own future on Earth—a husband and three children whose lives would have a ripple effect for God’s plan. I was given a glimpse of Earth’s sorrow, sensing we’re meant to be light in darkening times. Choosing to come back, I instantly hurtled downward through a tunnel, re-entered my body, and awoke in the bathtub as my mom washed mud off me—unharmed and unbroken. I still cherish that visit to Heaven. It taught me we each have a purpose, and every life touches countless others for Jesus.

Time Chapters
  • 01:02 Meeting Our Guest
  • 02:15 Horse Riding Accident
  • 04:25 Spirit Leaving Body
  • 07:10 Questioning Why Evil Exists
  • 09:50 Entering Heaven’s Veil
  • 12:30 Describing Heaven’s Inhabitants
  • 16:05 Guardian Angels Appearance
  • 18:40 Standing Before Jesus
  • 23:20 Shown Future On Earth
  • 26:55 Urgency To Return
  • 30:35 Re-entering My Body
  • 34:10 Emotional Aftermath
  • 38:25 Understanding God’s Purpose
  • 42:50 Encouraging Others With Purpose
  • 52:10 Closing Reflections & Prayer

—————– Source —————–

5-Year-Old Went To Heaven and Saw the Future of Those On Earth If She Died

At 5 years old, Jessica Hall fell off of a horse in muddy terrain and travelled to Heaven. After a tour and meeting her guardian angels, she was told to go back. God allowed her to feel the emotions and the longterm effect it would have had on her loved ones had she stayed. She also saw the future…both, if she’d lived or died!


5-Year-Old Went To Heaven and Saw the Future of Those On Earth If She Died

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5-Year-Old Went To Heaven and Saw the Future of Those On Earth If She Died