
I was once a dedicated Hezbollah fighter, trained in jihad and ready to die for my faith. While incarcerated in Malaysia, I experienced a life-changing encounter during prayer. In that moment, as I cried out for forgiveness, I felt an overwhelming touch that declared, ‘I forgive you.’ My heart was transformed by the realization that Jesus, not the harsh doctrines I once knew, was the way, the truth, and the life. That divine moment lifted the weight of my past and redirected my future. Today, I stand redeemed, living a new life filled with hope, and I share my testimony so others may know that true transformation is possible through the power of Jesus.

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While in prison, a for Hezbollah fighter encountered a man with a bright holy light surrounding him, he knew this was Jesus. Once a man who desired nothing more than to die for his faith, now was living a life for christ.

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