Although her parents were believers, Eileen would say that she chose to give her life to Christ when she got tired of wandering. Eileen finally came to a place where she was curious for what her life could be like if she took God more seriously. Eileen saw people talking about joy and a feeling of peace even amid storms, but at such a young age (14) she felt so troubled. A pastor encouraged Eileen to go on a Church retreat and her life has never been the same since. Before going she was a sharp mouthed, foul talking, always angry and fighting kind of girl. After coming back from the retreat, Eileen felt refreshed and desired to be at peace – inside of herself and with others. Eileen has experienced anger, depression, illness and many trials in her young life, but she draws her strength and hope from her faith in God and has learned through her experiences that God is real, He is always with us and He cares.