How God changed my life | My testimony | Venecia Avstrin
I grew up in a Christian family but drifted into depression, anxiety, and alcohol addiction. My marriage was falling apart and I reached a point of wanting to end my life. In desperation, I attended a spiritual retreat. There, I experienced a powerful encounter with God—He took my pain, lifted my burdens, and showed me a new beginning. The Holy Spirit freed me from alcoholism, healed my depression, and restored my marriage. We relocated to San Antonio, Texas, where my husband and I now serve together at Word of Life Church. I’ve never felt such genuine joy and peace. Today, I know that if you surrender everything to Christ, He can bring life and healing to your darkest moments.
Time Chapters
- 01:05 Leaving Church in Teens
- 03:40 Nightmares and Suicidal Thoughts
- 06:10 Husband Finds Freedom
- 08:45 Rock Bottom Moment
- 10:55 First Day of Encounter
- 14:42 Holy Spirit Encounter
- 18:55 Renouncing Sin and Healing
- 22:35 Restored Marriage
- 26:25 Moving to San Antonio
—————– Original Video —————–
How God changed my life | My testimony | Venecia Avstrin
“Word of Life Church”, located in San Antonio, Texas. We welcome you to join us!
Церковь «Возрождающее Слово жизни», находится в Сан-Антонио, штат Техас. Мы приглашаем вас присоединиться к нам!
1307 Blanco Woods St, San Antonio, TX 78248
Russian/English translation
Sunday Service – 1:30 PM
Wednesday Service – 7:00 PM
Facebook: Word of Life Church – San Antonio
Donations/пожертвования CashApp:$WordofLifeSA
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