My Testimony from New Age to Jesus (former spiritual leader)
I spent years lost in the confusing maze of New Age spirituality, chasing after empty promises through past life readings, energy healings, and guru-led rituals. I battled with heavy drinking, partying, and deep inner turmoil that left me feeling disconnected and overwhelmed by anxiety and depression. In a pivotal moment during a meditation session, I experienced the unmistakable presence of Jesus—His face appeared before me and His voice called out, revealing that He was the answer to all my searching. From that day on, my life transformed. I turned away from the destructive patterns of my past, embraced sobriety, and began a journey of renewing my mind through the Bible and genuine fellowship. Today, I share my testimony with a humble heart, using my voice and music to honor Jesus, who washes my sins clean every day.
Time Chapters
- 04:09 Upbringing & Early Life
- 05:51 Teen Rebellion & Partying
- 06:38 New Age Spiritual Exploration
- 07:46 Encounter with Jesus
- 08:55 Turning to Bible Study
- 01:01:14 Final Testimony & Prayer
—————– Original Video —————–
This is my testimony of how Jesus saved me from darkness and deception. It took a long time to muster the courage to share this publicly, but I finally did it. This video is not edited, so it’s just me speaking my story raw, without any notes, or really any preparation (aside from having shared my testimony in conversations). My prayer is that this story finds the ears of the people who need some hope or encouragement. My prayer is also that this glorifies Him to the best of my ability. There is so much more in my testimony that speaks to the grace, wisdom, and steadfast love of the Lord. For time’s sake, I could not fit it all in. After years of seeking, I finally found what I was looking for in Jesus Christ. He has completely transformed me from the inside out. I am far from perfect and that’s the beauty of Jesus being my Lord, He washes me clean everyday. Thank you for watching and God bless you. Psalm 139. John 14:6.
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