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The devoted servant Samuel Boulos Abdel-Masih, formerly Sheikh Mohammed Al-Najjar, experienced the glory of Christ in his life. Christ appeared to him in the Kaaba, revealing the truth to him. He transformed from a persecutor of the Christian faith to a dedicated servant, defender, and evangelist of the Christian faith. These are the miracles of Christ, all glory to Him, in changing souls. Thank you to our Lord, our God.


الخادم المكرس صموئيل بولس عبد المسيح الشيخ محمد النجار سابقا تمجد المسيح فى حياته وظهر له فى الكعبة واظهر له الحق وتحول من مضطهد للايمان المسيحي الى خادم مكرس ومدافع ومبشر بالايمان المسيحي وهذه هى عجائب المسيح له كل المجد فى تغيير النفوس .فشكرا للرب الهنا