
Growing up, I battled intense fear and an overwhelming need for approval that morphed into an eating disorder—first anorexia, then bulimia. I felt helpless to stop the cycle of binging and purging, and believed I was chained to self-destruction. I also struggled with thoughts of being a mistake and found myself wrestling with suicidal impulses at times. At the same time, my husband Chris was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease, a serious endocrine disorder that doctors at first couldn’t correctly pinpoint or fully treat.

In desperation, we both turned to God for help, and He showed us that much of what we faced had deep spiritual roots—unforgiveness, rejection, trauma, and occult connections we never realized were harmful. As I learned to repent of bitterness toward my biological father and to break unhealthy spiritual ties from my past, I experienced a new authority over food and body image. Chris, after prayer and removing occult items from his life, found a specialist who was able to locate and successfully remove his pituitary tumor.

The Holy Spirit’s presence made all the difference. When I felt powerless, God revealed I had His power to say no to destructive habits. We also discovered how spiritual deliverance—renouncing every lie that fueled fear, suicidal thoughts, and feelings of worthlessness—brought genuine freedom. Our story is proof that God sees us in our most desperate moments and fights for our wholeness. What once felt like an impossible prison of disease and disorder has become a testimony of healing, forgiveness, and lasting victory in Christ.

Time Chapters
  • 01:15 Natalie’s Childhood Struggles
  • 07:22 Meeting Chris at FCA
  • 13:50 Marriage & Health Concerns
  • 20:42 Discovering Cushing’s Syndrome
  • 28:14 Spiritual Warfare Uncovered
  • 35:37 Burning Magic Cards
  • 42:09 Mayo Clinic Disappointment
  • 48:53 Finding Dr Oldfield
  • 56:27 Chris’s Tumor Removed
  • 01:03:40 Natalie’s Eating Disorder Battle
  • 01:11:52 Suicidal Thoughts & Fear
  • 01:19:36 Deliverance And Freedom
  • 01:28:11 Reconciling With My Father
  • 01:37:05 Holy Spirit Encounters
  • 01:45:58 Walking In Ongoing Victory
  • 01:54:20 Final Encouragement & Reflection

—————– Original Video —————–

Can the roots of many of our diseases and things like eating disorders be found in unhealthy spiritual practices? I think a lot of us believe they can. In this conversation, Natalie Hewett describes exactly this, and how she and her husband Chris were delivered to health and freedom from disease and a severe eating disorder.

Natalie Hewett suffered from anorexia and bulimia through much of her 20’s. Her husband Chris developed Cushing disease shortly after they were married. Each of them experienced healing only after discovering and addressing spiritual disorder in their lives. This conversation goes into details of deliverance from demonic oppression, intercessory prayer and the links that spirituality has to eating disorders and disease.

Amazon link to Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose by Derek Prince


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