Noah’s Ark Resistivity Scans Pt 2 THE SCANS
Noah’s ark resistivity scans finally allow us to see the shape of the ark and that it extends another 40-plus feet into the earth! After the scans were completed in 2014, another several years worth of work was required to get software that could handle the massive amount of data and render 3 dimensional files. It has revealed massive ribs that connect to the hull exactly like a modern sea-going vessel. Three decks are visible as well as a massive opening into the middle deck of the ship which leads to a landing with pathways to the top and bottom deck. The damage to the ship as it slid down the mountainside resulted in one part of the hull completely broken away from the main body of the ship. This broad overview of the results of the scans is important to our understanding that this site is NOT a natural object. Coupled with all the other evidence, there is no doubt this is an ancient ship!
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