
After returning from multiple deployments to Afghanistan, I found myself overwhelmed by PTSD, vivid hallucinations, and a profound sense of brokenness as a man, husband, and father. My mind was a prison of recurring traumatic memories and the weight of despair. In the midst of this darkness, I discovered a lifeline in the Bible App. Unable to read, I began to listen to God’s Word every night, and that simple act became the anchor that gradually restored my faith and rebuilt my self-worth. This daily ritual brought healing to my wounded spirit, rekindled my hope, and reminded me that even the deepest scars can be healed by God’s transforming power.

Unknown Pages:

Time Chapters
  • 00:11 Return Home & PTSD
  • 00:35 Struggles with Trauma
  • 00:49 Discovery of Bible App
  • 02:30 Spiritual Renewal & Healing

—————– Original Video —————–

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