44:35 4 people died INSTANTLY after he drove drunk:Nick’s journey from tragedy to Jesus#prisonersforchrist Prisoners For Christ Ministries
08:05 “Though I was in prison, I was free.” Jesus changes heart of raging White Supremacist cbn 700 CLUB
36:33 Saved by Jesus/My testimony 2020 (Drugs at young age, shot by rival gangs, prison, anger, set free) Witness21
09:51 “Reality was I’m probably gonna have to stay here until I go to jail, or I die” Dealer gets new High cbn 700 CLUB 1 view
14:16 From Homeless to Jail, from Jail to CHRISTIAN – A Powerful Testimony of how GOD changes Hearts! Holy Mood 1 view
13:05 WHERE We Spend Eternity Depends On Knowing The ONE Who Created Us FOR Eternity PRECIOUS TESTIMONIES