01:59:44 “47 Demons Came Out Of Me!”, Meeting Jesus, and Encountering Angels with Lacey Sadler Witness21
01:35:58 Hollywood Scientologist Actress, Turned New Ager, Finds Jesus In the Most Unexpected Way! Deep Believer
38:02 She is Delivered, Sober, and Working in Ministry! Angelamarie Scafidi | Heaven & Healing Podcast
19:27 Lauren’s Story: From Tragedy to Triumph – A Journey of Faith, Healing, and Hope ISRAELMediaMinistrie
01:42:15 A Spirit Spouse May Be Stalking You, Ruining Your Life and Married To You Unaware Deep Believer
53:36 JESUS CHRIST MIGHTILY CHANGING LIVES! – (With: Gene, Ceci & Daniel Sullivan testifying and singing) PRECIOUS TESTIMONIES
14:01 Cathy Hargett’s Testimony – Garment of Praise Instead of Spirit of Darkness (Free in Messiah) ISRAELMediaMinistrie