01:11:02 Receive Your Healing and Walk in the Power of the Holy Spirit – Bill Johnson Sermon | Bethel Church Bethel 1 view
19:33 Firefighter Dies And Is Sent To Another Dimension; What He Sees There Will Shock You (NDE) Beyond the Veil 2 views
33:19 Healing Testimony of Christy Brennt. Persistent faith through 38 years of sickness (Lyme & EBV) Witness21
04:53 No More Meningitis | Faith Mickels Shares Her Testimony at Dayton VC Kenneth Copeland Ministries
01:22 Testimony Brings Encounter with God’s Nature – Bill Johnson | Strengthen Yourself in the Lord Bethel 214 views
10:46 “The God who you are praying to…He heard your prayers” – Miraculous COVID-19 Recovery! cbn 700 CLUB 2 views
08:19 “In the darkest point of my life, I could feel such hope” Reverend survives Covid by Faith cbn 700 CLUB 10 views