01:01 She Was Shown What is GOING TO HAPPEN! What she saw is Vivid and Intense #jesus #rapture #god Cloud 9 Blessings
08:06 Rapture Dream I saw destruction and violence happening on earth! #prophetic #dreamsandvisions Cloud 9 Blessings
17:43 God Gave Her END TIME Visions and Messages to Share ! She Shares Urgent Messages With The Channel Cloud 9 Blessings
09:09 In my dream the ground was shaking then the chaos began! #rapturedreams #dreamsandvisions Cloud 9 Blessings
01:01 Rapture Dream: Her Details Of The Rapture Are Not Only Intense But Powerful! It’s Close #rapture Cloud 9 Blessings
11:04 Dream Of The Rapture I saw God’s Judgement Coming Down To The Earth ! #judgement Cloud 9 Blessings
14:42 The Lord Revealed To Her TWO Shocking End Time Confirmations! She Saw it Covering The Earth Cloud 9 Blessings